On October 1, 2021, The People’s Republic of China’s 72nd National Day, a special Chinese TV program was aired, looking back on China’s past, looking at China’s present and looking forward to China’s future.
Below are the program on Youtube and some highlights.
China Power
A tradition and a culture that has nurtured a great number of people in China who are willing to place the collective welfare ahead of their own personal interests.
China System
A political, social and economical practice that strives to achieve a grassroots democracy serving the majority of people’s long-term interests.
China Path
Despite having experienced pitfalls and setbacks along the way (that include the so-called “household responsibility system” which is largely responsible for the decline of China’s rural sector), China’s path is in harmony with Dao.
China Made
Made in China 2025, Which Is Unstoppable
This strategic plan and industrial policy are designed to achieve a deep integration of industrialization and informatization by the year 2025, with the main focus on the next generation of information technology, advanced computer numerical control of machine tools, aerospace engineering equipment, marine engineering equipment, high-tech ships, innovation in railway engineering technologies, new energy vehicles, upgraded power system, farm machinery and equipment, new materials, biomedicine and advanced medical devices.
Made in China – Aircraft
C919, China’s Answer to Boeing Flight

The design of China’s own passenger jets began in 1970 with Yun-10. It took to the sky 10 years later in 1980 and was able to carry a maximum of 179 passengers with the maximum flight ceiling reaching 11,000 metres. In the next five years, it accumulated 170 flight hours and successfully flew over Tibet Plateau, the roof of the world, seven times.

However, the project was tragically aborted in the mid-80s.
J-20, China’s Response to F35

China International Aviation & Aerospace Exhibition, held in late September and early October in Zhuhai, is the largest airshow in China. At the closing ceremony, 6 China-made J-10 fighters gave a colourful performance in the sky.

J-10 is a 3rd generation jet. Since 10 years ago, China developed the 4th generation stealth J-20. It’s a top-performance fighter, despite for a decade it was hobbled by an imported inefficient engine. Yet just a few days before National Day 2021, it was announced J-20 has got a powerful engine made in China.
J-20 is believed to perform best when working in a team with J-10 and J-16. J-10’s super flexibility in movement and J-16’s great capacity in carrying large ammunition like long-range air-to-air missiles and anti-aircraft carrier missiles can help J-20 effectively control the field.
Made in China – Spaceship
Entering the 21st century, China has become one of the world’s leading forces in spaceflight. It has achieved multiple milestones in space programs.
Two years ago, China became the first nation to land a robot on the far side of the moon.
Earlier this year, China became the second nation to land a rover on the surface of Mars.
China is planning to build a permanent base on Mars in the future and create a mega spaceship spanning 100 kilometres which will stay on the boundary between Earth’s atmosphere and outer space.
Made in China – Nuclear-Powered Submarine
China’s first nuclear submarine, named Long March I, was enlisted in the military service as early as 1974.
The current Type 094 submarines can escort ballistic missile submarines with the second-strike capability to reach the target over 8,000 km in distance.
Made in China – 5G
China is the leader in 5G technology. By the end of 2020, China has rolled out the world’s largest fifth-generation network with a total of 718,000 stations and over 200 million terminals connected to the service.
Made in China – Rural and Tradition
The recovery and renewal of China’s rural areas and Chinese traditions are integral parts of Chinese revitalisation.
China and the World
A train from Xiamen to Mosco – a link between China, the Mideast and Europe to form a great economic network.
China Realisation
Chinese people and government become fully aware that they need to unite and stand firm against the exploitative global power (Aukus) that tries to slow their social and economic advancement and condemn them forever to a second-class nation in the world.
China Determination
A marvellous Chinese singer Yin Xiumei gave a strong performance.
China Forecast – the Next 100 Years
It actually doesn’t need 100 years but just a decade or so for history to witness how China will help humanity to get out of the jungle and enter a more civilised world.
China’s Past, Present and Future
An ancient nation with at least 5,000 years of nearly unbroken civilisation leads the world into a new era.
China’s past, present and future – A Chinese man (played by actor Hu Ge) meets himself in his previous and future lives.