Oracle Turtle Scripts
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This is Oracle Turtle Script, the early Chinese written language carved on a turtle shell during Shang Dynasty (1600 BC – 1046 BC) – an era ruled by merchants with a social system chiefly based on written business contracts.
This script used to be considered the earliest form of Chinese characters by archaeologists. But the evidence unearthed lately disputes the assertion. There was earlier Chinese script before the Oracle Turtle Script.
Eric Horrobin
What happened to the turtle? Turtle soup maybe. ha ha ha
Called capitalism. Countries are being ruled that way today.
chong cen
Guess what, they have already used the ” $ ” sign at that time, the Shangs were the original CAPITALISTs. ….
Mile HsiangYang Lee
Old Chinese Manuscripts Is any dynasty older than Shang?
All Things Chinese
There was Xia Dynasty before Shang, and Hemudu in the Yangtze delta, and Sanxingdun in the Sichuan basin…
Xia was believed to be an era before the Chinese script was invented so there is no written evidence left. The detailed chronicle records only started since Shang.
Chinese Written Language Before Oracle Scripts
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This is the earlier Chinese characters appeared before the Oracle Bone Script.
Owl Gothic
Earlier than the discovery of paper ?
All Things Chinese
Paper was invented by Chinese during the Han Dynasty 2,000 years ago, Oracle Script was created by Chinese during the Shang Dynasty 4,000 years ago, while these characters were created by Chinese before Oracle Script. Which one is earlier you think?
Owl Gothic
Whatever it is I presume we must have ink to write so which one is earlier.. Paper
or ink?
All Things Chinese
During the Oracle Turtle Script time, words were caved on a turtle shell, which is why the name is given by contemporary researchers.
Later, it became a common practice to carve words on a piece of bamboo stem and the stem pieces could be strung together to make a book.
So ink is not always necessary for writing.
Craig Etheredge
Yeah…phone number right there.
chong cen
What does it say?
All Things Chinese
So far nobody knows.
chong cen
The heading,
is current Chinese characters.
All Things Chinese
The title was added later.
Chinese Scripts Carved on American Rocks 3,300 Years Ago
Chinese script carved into rocks may prove Chinese lived in America 3,300 years ago during the Shang Dynasty.
More details at
It’s produced by the BBC. There are some old episodes on youtube. Actually premiered this day (the 23rd) in 1963.
Dr Who is a timelord who travels in a tardis, which looks like an old English police phone box, Time And Relation Dimensions In Space. It is terrific, except that the last Dr regeneration was a woman, and that’s just not right. It is sheer pandering to Political Correctness, kinda spoiled it for me.
All Things Chinese
I see. I did have heard people mentioning Doctor Who from time to time. I just talked about Time Lord with some of my friends and they say this identity ceased to be funny before it went through a transgender operation.
On Dr Who and the transgender, it just plays into the leftist progressive agenda. And I can’t accept Dr Who as a woman. I mean how about we make wonder woman a man, or maybe Superman could be conflicted about his sexuality and really is in love with Jimmy Olsen, not Lois Lane. Robin “the wonder could become Robin the transgender and wear a rainbow costume lol.
All Things Chinese
I agree. The radical leftists are just a bunch of religious fanatics.
That’s how it seems beliefs before facts are the belief today. Anyhow I must take deep breaths to remain calm.
All Things Chinese
You may like to check what happened 30 years ago in 1989 in a country called China, which foreran the collapse of the Warsaw Pact and the disintegration of the Soviet Union.
60 years form the smallest circle in the big time in the Chinese calendar. Now the circle is half complete and starts to mirror the first half in the opposite direction (bearing Hong Kong in mind), which is how yin-yang dual forces keep in balance with each other in motion and keep the universe going.
A great drama has formally begun on the planet earth, so yes, let’s take deep breaths and fasten seatbelts.
However, it is important not to lose yourself in a particular role you are assigned to play by your fate but resolutely remains as an audience as well, otherwise, you won’t be able to watch and enjoy the entire drama on the stage.
Hold on a second. In the US it is the religious right who are the zealots. The left is for giving away everything to everybody.
I have always considered life as a pendulum in a grandfather clock, swing one way, extreme, then the other way, extreme. Maybe it’s why we can’t have long periods of peace before some calamity befalls.
Your pendulum observation is spot on and whatever is happening in your life I hope it swings the other way. My advice would be don’t overindulge, invest what you can and be patient.
I just find real work can not be done when radicalism, extremism and slogan yelling are the norm, politicians and the like are only following what they think will get them votes and the dicivness they perpetrate is assinine.
As well as social media is thrusting us into a mob rule mentality.
In the middle ages, it was torch and pitchfork bearing peasants who chanted burn the witch in the streets for anyone accused of witchcraft and today it is the same mob but they carry cell phones instead.
Our technology is an incredible improvement yet our operators are still the same idiots. Until we can actually put our emotions separate we will never be able to talk and come to any understanding.
The left progressive mission seems to be to please everyone and create an equal outcome rather than the present equal opportunity of which the two are mutually exclusive. I know it is not in my power to change it but I find I get frustrated by the BS out there and how people are manipulated and do not think out things fully. Then we sadly get nowhere.