A Brief History Of Chinese and Western Medicines
When someone catches a cold:
2000 B.C.
In the West:
“Here, eat this root.”
In China:
“Here, drink this herbal medicine soup.”
1000 A.D.
In the West:
“That root is heathen. Here, say this prayer.”
In China:
“Here, drink this herbal medicine soup.”
1850 A.D.
In the West:
“That prayer is superstition. Here, drink this potion.”
In China:
“Here, drink this herbal medicine soup.”
1940 A.D.
In the West:
“That potion is snake oil. Here, swallow this pill.”
In China:
“Here, drink this herbal…” A Chinese writer smashed the soup bowl, “That herbal medicine is a superstition! Here, swallow this pill.”
1985 A.D.
In the West:
“That pill is ineffective. Here, take this antibiotic.”
In China:
“Here, drink this herbal…” A Chinese scientist smashed the soup bowl, “That herbal medicine is pseudoscience. Here, take this antibiotic.”
2000 A.D.
In the West:
“That antibiotic is an artificial chemical product. Here, eat this root.”
In China:
“Here, drink this herbal …” A Chinese doctor smashed the soup bowl,” That herbal medicine is ineffective! Here, take this new wonder drug.”
2020 A.D.
In the West:
“This winter nobody catches a cold but Covid19. However, no wonder drug for this pandemic.”
In China
“Here, drink this herbal medicine soup.”
And Beyond
A man from the Australian Morrison government smashed the soup bowl imported from China, “The Chinese herbal medicine is a communist poison! Let’s wait for American companies to develop a democratic vaccine.”
Anti-Epidemic Remedy and Chinese Medicine
China’s pandemic specialists confirmed that the use of traditional Chinese medicine remedies in the treatment of Covid19 is one of the key factors that allowed China to quickly put the epidemic under control.
Most of the remedies were developed from classical recipes, especially those recorded on Treatment of Cold and Flu (伤寒论), one of the four top important Chinese medicine classics.
Treatment of Cold and Flu (伤寒论) was written by Zhang Zhongjin (张仲景 150 – 219), a Han Dynasty physician and politician. When he worked as the governor of Changsha, today’s provincial capital of Hunan, he also provided free medical service for the locals.
Here are a few recipes recommended by the Chinese state authority.
Lung Cleansing and Detoxifying Decoction (清肺排毒汤)
This remedy was originally developed from several recipes recorded on the Treatment of Cold and Flu. Over the 2,000 years, it has been used to treat colds and flu, especially to relieve fever, cough and fatigue.
Studies show that decoction can regulate multiple cell signaling pathways. Cells in the human body communicate with each other by receiving and processing chemical signals in response to environmental changes, such as the inhabit and replication of viruses. The decoction can prevent the cells from overreacting which could cause the crash of the immune system.
Among 1,261 Covid19 patients who took the decoction, 1,102 have recovered from the illness.
Golden Flower the Furify (金花清感颗粒)
It was developed during the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic and consists of 12 herbal components including honeysuckle, mint and licorice, which can help clear heat and detoxify lungs. It can also improve the recovery rate of lymphocytes and white blood cells.
Dehumidification & Detoxification Formula (化湿败毒方)
It is a recipe developed by a team from the Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, based on the recommendations of the early national diagnosis and treatment plan as well as the experiences from clinical practice at Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital.
Its main function is to detoxify, as well as relieve cough. Studies on guinea pigs found the formula can reduce lung viral load by 30 percent.
Lung Detoxifying Capsule (宣肺败毒颗粒)
With 13 herbal components, the recipe originates from several classic traditional recipes.
It can detoxify the lungs and clear dampness and heat in the body.
More details at xinhuanet.com
Are these “recipes” something that can be purchased over the counter or is this prescribed medicine? This does not appear to be a “recipe” you cook up at home.
Dear Paul (Soxfan), they will need to be prescribed by doctor. Even though they are not chemical products, still, they are medicine not food. But yes, once you get this mixed ingredients, you do need to cook them up on a ceramic pot. However, nowadays, they usually come in the form of capsule, which means they have already been cooked and made into something looked just like normal drugs so you only need to wash them down with water.