A Lonely House on Hilltop in Southern China
A lonely house partially built into a rock perched on the top of a lonely hill that stands in isolation in China’s lush southern province.
The house has been long abandoned. Nobody knows who built this house, when the house was built and why the property is deserted.
A Cave Home for Five Generations
The cave dwelling and the farmland a family in Guizhou Province in southern China have lived and cultivated for five generations since 100 years ago.
Nice and peaceful.
All Things Chinese
What if there is a fight between the members of the family? Which is the source of unhappiness for most people.
I wouldn’t say family what brings the most unhappiness. I believe family is a source of strength for most people. Yes we all fight from time to time but when the chips are down these are the people who support us. I at least hope that is true for most people.
All Things Chinese
True, and it is certainly true when your marriage and family are concerned.
However, from my observation (not my experience though so it might not be accurate), people would feel most unhappy when their relationships with their family members, especially their wife or husband, are in trouble.
The same can be said about a nation. External threats may only bring people together yet internal conflicts could split up a state.
On the front courtyard, the grandparents mind the young kid.
The courtyard under the cave ceiling is also the family’s living room where they meet their relatives and friends.
Home, a sweet cave home.
Note a square well in front of the house – the source of water supply to the household.
They love their cave home so much that they refuse to move to a new house freely offered to them by the local government in Guizhou Province.
A basketball field inside a cave in mountainous Guizhou province
People from a mountain village have transformed a Karst cave into a basketball court, equipped with an electronic lighting system and a tiered seating area that can accommodate over a thousand audience.
This basketball court inside a Karst cave was built by people from a mountain village in Guizhou province.