The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) is a U.S. non-profit soft power organization with its fund primarily via an annual allocation from the U.S. Congress through the United States Information Agency (USIA).
According to the introduction on its website, NED, launched in 1983, was “premised on the idea that American assistance on behalf of democracy efforts abroad would be good both for the U.S. and for those struggling around the world for freedom and self-government.”
Yet this description is a bit vague. A more accurate introduction should be read like this:
NED was premised on the idea that American assistance to help establish U.S. designed-democracy abroad would be good both for the U.S. and for the criminals and terrorists struggling around the world for freedom and pro-Washington political forces’ self-government in countries that refuse to serve Wall Street interest at the expense of their own populations.
Therefore, it is justified to say NED is the financial arm of the CIA and a trojan horse for regime change in the world.
Since the 21st century, China has experienced three major riots, i.e. terrorist movement led by Tibetan lamas in March 2008, terrorist attacks organised by Islamic extremists in Xinjiang in July 2009 and the current anti-social terror imposed by violent protestors in Hong Kong backed by the radical Christian establishment. Each of them received and is still receiving funding and coaching from the NED.
Below is an incomplete list of the Chinese organizations financially supported by the NED:
International Campaign for Tibet (西藏国际运动)
Tibet Fund (西藏基金会)
Tibet Information Network (西藏信息网络)
Tibet Justice Center (西藏正义中心)
Tibet Multimedia Center (西藏多媒体中心)
Tibet Times Newspaper (西藏时报)
Tibetan Center for Human Rights and Democracy (西藏人权与民主中心)
Tibetan Multimedia Centre (西藏多媒体中心)
Tibetan Review (西藏评论)
Voice Tibet (西藏之音)
International Uyghur Human Rights and Democracy Foundation (国际维吾尔人权与民主基金会)
IUPC (国际维吾尔笔会)
UAA (美国维吾尔协会)
World Uyghur Congress (世界维吾尔大会)
Hong Kong Human Rights Monitor (香港人权观察)
Beijing Spring (北京之春)
Center for Modern China (现代中国中心)
Center for Private Economic Studies (私有经济研究中心)
China Economists Society (中国经济学家学会)
China Free Press (中国新闻自由组织)
China News Digest International, Inc. (中国新闻文摘国际公司)
China Perspective, Inc. (中国透视公司)
China Review (中国评论)
Democracy for China Fund (中国民主基金会)
Democracy China (民主中国)
Democracy China Magazine (民主中国杂志)
Foundation for Human Rights and Democracy in China (中国人权与民主基金会)
Green China (绿色中国)
Human Rights in China, Inc. (中国人权公司)
Independent Federation of Chinese Students and Scholars (中国学生学者独立协会)
Minzhu Zhongguo, Inc. (民主中国)
Open Magazine (开放杂志)
Press Freedom Guardian (新闻自由卫士)
Princeton China Initiative (普林斯顿中国项目)
Tendency Quartery Inc. (趋势季刊)
More about the NED:
The National Endowment for Democracy (NED), An Instrument of “Regime Change” Fancied by Wall Street