Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’s Address at The 66th UN General Assembly
In February 2008, the US President said the US supported Kosovo’s independence because “we believe it will bring peace … Sooner rather than later you’ve got to say enough’s enough. Kosovo’s independent.”
There was “a disagreement but we believe as many other nations do that history will prove this to be the correct move”, the president asserted.
Serbia earlier withdrew its envoy to Washington in protest. It said Kosovo’s declaration of independence violated international law.
Kosovo was part of former Yugoslavia federation with a population mere 2.5 million, of which 10% are Serbs. NATO has been allowed to stay in Kosovo and control the national security matter after independence.
The UN Security Council was at a time divided over how to respond to Kosovo’s move.
In September 2011, the U.S. President said the U.S. would veto any U.N. resolution recognizing an independent Palestinian State, because peace would not be achieved “through statements and resolutions at the U.N.”
“We will only succeed in that effort if we can encourage the parties to sit down together, to listen to each other and to understand each other’s hopes and fears. That is the project to which America is committed, and that is what the United Nations should be focused on in the weeks and months to come,” the president asserted.
Israel earlier threatened to oppose the president’s re-election bid but welcomed the latest move. It said Israel’s rule over Palestine is good not only for Jews but for Palestinians.
Palestine was never historically part of the Jewish state, and it has a population about 3.8 million, of which 0% are Jews. It is believed that NATO will have no chance to stay in Palestine and control its security matters after independence.
The U.N. members are united in supporting Palestinian independence, except the United States.
If Palestine and Israel Are One United Country
So far, with the US backing, Israel refuses to recognise Palestine as a separate state but keeps taking over its territories to build Jewish settlements. Yet among 14 million people, this patterned government has denied 5 million native population access to basic social services like what the migrants from America and Europe enjoyed. And they don’t even have a right to vote.
Therefore, if the two communities are indeed ruled under one government, then the Jewish regime has committed serious crimes through “systematic and violent removal of undesired ethnic groups from a given territory” and through the genocide of Palestinian people due to their different religious beliefs and ethnic makeup, like what Serbian government allegedly did to Croats, thus the UN, the US and all Western governments have their self-assigned obligation to put the Netanyahu government on trial before the International Criminal Tribunal, and David Cameron administration in UK shall also have British troops in the Middle East standby, in order to help the militant opposition force (namely Hamas) to gain liberation for its people, as what he did in Libya and is doing to Syria.

As of April 2022, 138 of the United Nations’ 193 members (and one observer) have recognized Palestine as an independent country.

If Palestine and Israel Are Two Separate States
If Palestine and Israel are independent of each other, then Israel’s move to build new settlements in Palestinians’ land is an act of military invasion of another sovereign entity, just like what Sadam’s Iraqi army once did to Kuwait, thus the Palestinians and their military force have right to defend their territory by firing rockets into the illegal settlements [even so, Hamas only did so this time after Israel assassinated its leader Ahmed Jabari in an unprovoked missile attack hours after he received the draft proposal of a permanent truce agreement with Israel, which included “mechanisms for maintaining the cease-fire in the case of a flare-up between Israel and the factions in the Gaza Strip”, and after an extensive bombing campaign under Operation Pillar of Cloud followed the assassination that was executed by Israeli airforce and naval forces and involved in extensive shelling of civilian targets]. And moreover, the UN, the US and the entire world community should send coalition forces to occupy Jerusalem and overthrow the Netanyahu regime, as they did to the Sadam government.
Peace efforts between the two states failed for one reason only: Israel refused to stop its illegal building of settlements on Palestinian land.

Israeli Peace Activist: Hamas Leader Jabari Killed Amid Talks on Long-term Truce (haaretz.com)
Post edited on 13 Oct 2023.