At the north end of Bargor Street in the old town of Lhasa, adjacent to Jokhang Temple, there stands a three-storey building in typical Tibetan style.
Covering an area of 720 square metres, the building was first erected in the 17th century by the fifth Dalai Lama as a government headquarters of Lhasa but was late turned into one of the most terrifying prisons in human history. This is the infamous Langzisha Prison.
According to the recount by some local journalists granted special admission to the deserted prison compound, when on a beautiful sunny day they ascended to the first floor and pushed open the front gate, they felt as though they had stepped into a ghostly world where the sun never shines and the air is forever damp, chilly and mouldy.
The very first thing that attracted their attention was a well from which they could peer into underground cells in which important political foes of Dalai Lamas were held. In that dark region, there are five chambers, each being so designed that the ceilings are extremely low that the inmates were never able to stand straight, breathe dry and clear air and saw each other’s faces. A former ward, an old Tibetan man in his 70s, told the visitors that those deemed to commit serious offenses would be kept in fetters made an entire tree and often weighed up hundreds of kg, and have their legs locked by one log. No one could turn around his body without the corporation of all the other four men.

Among the torturing tools equipped in the tiny space, there is a copper horse, that could be heated by lighting a fire in its hollow tummy using dried horse manure or yak dung, and the prisoner who was made to ride on the horse would soon be scorched to death.
The entrance floor contains nine cells, in each cell there stand wooden columns, and on the columns, the bite marks are still visible which were left by the hungry inmates. According to the records on various documents, in this Tibetan jail, starvation could not even be remotely considered abuse compared to the other inhuman treatments the inmates received which include serving nose, tongue, ears, sexual organs, ripping off heart, peeling off the skin, burning alive in a large pot with boiling oil, all being performed under the authority of Dalai Lamas. Some would have their tummy slit open with intestines exposed while being made to march along Bagor Street before execution; others would be put on a heavy stone cap until their eyeballs budged out of sockets and grouped out by the tip of a sharp knife, mainly for crimes of being too poor to afford their taxes to landowners, monasteries and Dalai government.

Before 1959, aristocratic landlords and Lamaists (also known as Tibetan Buddhists) monasteries in Tibet were free to make their own laws and set up their own courts. The laws under Dalai Lama prescribed that people were divided into nine classes, and the Thirteen Codes further declares “men are classified in the hierarchy, therefore men’s lives do not have equal value”. It states that the value of the life of a high-ranking man equals gold weighted as heavy as his corpse, but if an aristocrat kills a man in the bottom level of the social order he only needs to offer the victim’s family a straw rope. Article 7 in Code 16 further affirms that it is considered a horrendous crime and punishable by hamstring breaking, tongue cutting, eye-gouging, hands chopping, or immediate execution if persons of lower status revolt against persons of higher status; and that when a lord hurt his servant, the lord should find a doctor for his victim, but when a servant caused the injury of his master, his hands or legs must be chopped off. Those who lived in Tibet during the years when 14th Dalai Lama ruled the place can still recall how common it was to spot the locals without hands, arms or legs in Lhasa streets.
The thousand-year-old Tibetan legal system partly originated from its ancient harsh custom, partly borrowed from caste structure in India, and later further influenced by the cruel and primitive slavery rules of Mongol’s Yan and Manchu’s Qing.

In reality, the situation in old Tibet was much more brutal and inhuman than that in the above-mentioned societies, for the reason that the Dalai government allowed a due legal system, one applied to the religious sector (the ruling class), and the other to the rest in the community, which means lamas were practically above the laws. When the religion in question is a secret and dangerous voodoo cult like Lamaism (“Tibetan Buddhism”), imagine the implication on society and people’s lives.
It is known that during his time in Tibet, 14th Dalai Lama routinely held mantra-chanting rituals in his private praying hall, and prior to each of such session, there would be an instruction to Langzisha Prison, ordering it to provide the sacrificial articles including human skulls, human leg bones, whole human skin, whole child corpse, as well as side drums covered with boy’s skin, a trumpet made of girl’s femur, all had to be freshly prepared.
According to the recollection of a former serf Gesangpingcuo, a boy named Pubu lived in Bagor Street was kidnapped during such occasions, and when his father hurried to the prison it was all too late: the boy had already been crafted with knives into sacrificial articles. Reportedly in the year 1948 alone, Langzisha Prison carried out man-hunting sessions three times and snatched 21 low-status yet utterly innocent men, women and children for their fresh fleshes, bones, organs and skins.
The following is a letter initially sent from the 14th Dalai Lama’s Kashag government to the head of the Langzisha Prison:
The Chief,
For propitiating the Goddess, we need you to prepare the following items:
4 newly cut human heads, 10 fresh human intestines, clean human blood, contaminated human blood, soil on ruin site, widow’s menstrual blood, blood from leprosy patients, flesh from humans and various animals, hearts from humans and various animals, blood from various animals, yin-yang water, earth in a windy spot, thorns grown in shady site, waste from dogs and human, as well as butcher’s boots. The above items must be forwarded forth tomorrow.
The skins peeled off over a child and an adult were presented to the deities on a sacrificial ritual.
The letter is currently kept in the Tibetan Museum for public viewing.
Fortunately, this Vajra hell on earth was shut down on 20 March 1956 by Chinese authority when the millions of Tibetan serfs were declared to be free with equal human rights to landlords and lamas. The building had been kept out of the tourist’s eye ever since for nearly half a century, probably for avoiding to embarrass Dalai and other high-rank lamas.
Jul 11
Well, if Tibet belongs to China then serfdom is an old Chinese tradition and Mao only rejected it by reading Marx.
All Things Chinese
Well, Tibet, like part of Mongols, geographically belongs to China only since centuries ago and culturally it did not belong to traditional Chinese civilization.
However, if you reckon it shall prove Tibet is not part of China, then you must admit the US (as well as Australia, Canada and New Zealand) as countries do not exist because centuries ago there were no European migrates there but native tribes of Indians, Maoris and Aborigines.
Further, Tibet becomes part of China not as a result of Han Chinese military conquest like what happened in America, Canada, and Australia. Ancient Chinese never tried to invade & rule Tibet.
On the contrary, it was Tibetan lamas jointly invaded and ruled China for nearly 300 years since the mid-17th century, along with Manchus & Mongols.
Savage Lamanism (“Tibetan Buddhism”) was/is the religion/cult of Manchu & Mongol people. They brought it along with the Tibetan lamas into China to replace Chinese Daoism and Chinese school Buddhism (chan/zen).
Since the late 50s, the Tibetan ruling & lama class and the barbaric Lamanism have been used as convenient tools in America’s war against China, just like what the Manchu “emperor” & ruling group did in Japan’s war against China in the early 20th century.
June 1, 2020
The USA introduced a bill to recognize Tibet as a separate country two days ago.
All Things Chinese
This exposes the corporate US government’s ambition to rule the planet. I wonder who elected it as the global government to dictate the affairs of other nations.
It’s true, Tibetan culture isn’t part of traditional Chinese culture and Tibet wasn’t part of China 500 years ago. But the land of America didn’t belong to British (and other European) settlers 500 years ago, for the same token, the Chinese government may should pass a similar bill.
Today’s territory borders between the countries are based on the agreement after WWII. Many have long suspected the Trump-Pompeo regime is possessed by the same spirit that haunted Gmerny on the days leading up to & during WWII, no wonder they don’t like anything post-WWII.
Yeah, hey, maps get redrawn all the time. I was only informing you. The Tibetans were liberated from the feudal theocracy of Mahayana. I’m not complaining.
2020 is full of excitement.
All Things Chinese
So far it’s just a warmup.
thankfully today some or all of us can earn the best things of these practices with ( imitation bone and skin ‘tools’) to call our loved ones back to life so they may fulfill their purpose.
It’s like an attempt to bring last night’s dream into tonight’s dream. 😉
Pity no black magic, including the black magic of Tibetan Lamaism, can achieve it. People can not even bright loved ones in this life back, which is why so many lovers parted and so many couples devoice.
In this universe, nothing remains unchanged, except changing itself.
How can we know that this is not another of those Chinese Propagandist articles? Everyone knows that Buddhists rever Dalai Lama (If they did not, there would not have been 100+ Buddhist monks self-immolating asking for the return of Dalai Lama to China). It could be true that Tibetan Buddhists had some weird customs – like extracting skin from dead bodies. China’s propagandists could be twisting this by including some pictures of weapons, a handicapped man to paint an entirely different story to malign the Tibetan freedom movement. I urge everyone not to trust this revisionist history.
All cult followers revere their leaders and worship the leaders like gods, which is why they are cults.
There are three traits that are common in all cults: 1) unconditionally revere and obey a human cult leader; 2) collect a large amount of money from the cult followers; 3) practice group sex.
Tibetan Lamaism exhibits all three traits and in fact it is the most savage and dangerous cult than any voodoo religion I ever know.
Yes, most Tibetan lamas do revere Dalai, but not most Buddhists. If a Buddhist reveres this human skin collector and slave owner, then he can’t be a true Buddhist.
One thing I have to thank you. You do have reminded me to add a wonderful video I found online about Tibetan Lamaism to my friend’s article.
And you also make me feel compelled to upload more posts onto this website to disclose the true face of Dalai Lama and Tibetan Lamaism. So, stay tuned.
The acts,facts and truth of torture is that the torturer, tortures the living being ’til the being is dead…..not anything or anyway else. ..whether it takes along time, or a short time for the being to die.
No, most of them were done when the victims alive.
Hey ATC, this is incredible. I have only known the story of Tibeten spiritualness and that the Dali Lama’s were special people who are recreated and the new one will be found (kind of like a perpetual Jesus Christ) but this is horror and barbarism unknown in the west. Band as recent as 1960. Wow. Take care Eric
Hello Eric, nice to see you here again. The myth of Tibet and its religion is first created by Nazi Party before and during WWII – I have photos of Dalai Lama meeting Hitler’s high officials in my collection. They have a lot in common.
After WWII, Britain and East Indian Company inherited this fable as a convenient weapon for their geopolitical battle against China.
After India independence, America takes over this legacy when CIA executed Tibetan lama riots in the late 1950s and again in the late 1980s, with a plan for further riots.
In my opinion, Chairman Mao’s government at least made three big mistakes: 1) to divide Chinese citizens into mostly artificial-ethnic groups; 2) to grant amnesty to Manchu war criminals including emperor Puyi; 3) to allow barbaric Tibetan Lamaism (“Tibetan Buddhism”) to flourish.