Scientists have begun digging for corpses at the site of a former Tokyo medical college allegedly used to conduct bio-warfare trials, reopening one of the darkest chapters of Japan’s wartime past.The facility in Kokyo was linked to Unit 731 of the Japanese Army. Unit 731, located in China’s Harbin, turned typhoid, anthrax, smallpox, cholera and dysentery into mass-produced killers. Live prisoners were dissected to determine the effects of pathogens on the human body.
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Yoshio Shinozuka, who was 16 when he was dispatched by Emperor Hirohito & his government in Tokyo to help the Unit 731 killing doctors in China, remembers the first time he assisted in an experiment on one of the prisoners who were dubbed maruta, or logs.
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“I knew the Chinese individual we dissected alive,” Yoshio Shinozuka recalled. “At the vivisection I could not meet his eyes because of the hate in them. He was infected with plague germs and… his face and body became totally black. Still alive, he was brought on a stretcher to the autopsy room, where I was ordered to wash the body. I used a rubber hose and a deck brush to wash him… The man’s organs were excised one by one.”
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The results from the unit 731 experiments were used to spread typhoid, cholera & plague across China. Japanese soldiers dumped pathogens in rivers & water supplies. Fleas were cultivated to carry the plague and then dumped over Chinese villages.
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The effectiveness of the experiments is widely disputed, but some historians put the Chinese casualty count of the Japanese bioweapon attacks in the six-figure range.
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At the Battles of Khalkhin Gol in 1939 between the Kwantung Army & the Soviet Union’s 57th Special Corps, Unit 731 dumped 22 kg of pathogens in waterways, but this time they only got themselves hurt. Russians used their own water supplier, while 1300 Japanese died of infection.
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After WWII, the Japanese killing doctors were given amnesty by the US authority, in exchange for their research findings. Many had lucrative post-war careers in Fort Detrick, the US military lab. This is a written confession to the US army by Masaji Kitano, director of Unit 731.
In the confession, Masaji Kitano’s admitted he & his men performed experiments on live humans, most of them were Chinese & Russians, including but not limited to: infecting living subjects with plague rats, forced pregnancies and vivisections (conducted without anesthesia).
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Between Sep 1945 & Oct 1947, 4 researchers from the US Fort Detrick military lab interviewed at least 25 Unit 731 members & obtained their experimental data on gem & chemical warfares in exchange for immunity from war crimes.
A report to US authorities dated Dec 1947 by Edwin Hill and Joseph Victor details human experimentation by Unit 731 with a list of specimens brought back to Japan.
May-Jun 2022
Gill Ray:
What about rather more recently? The 6m covid deaths after it leaked from Wuhan lab and was covered up?
All Things Chinese:
Yes, it is a cover-up – the bad news is the leaking from the US military labs all over the world will keep occurring unless Washington and someone like you stop covering up the truth by deliberately pointing in the wrong direction.
Gill Ray:
The leak was from Wuhan. US is also culpable because they were funding the research. Don’t believe there are many serious leaks from US labs – that’s propaganda.
All Things Chinese:
You can cheat yourself but you can’t cheat the universe. You’ll see before long who will be hit hard by the bouncing karmic force.
Gill Ray:
Word salad… what reason is there for US to run multiple top-security bio research labs with such poor safety that there are repeat leaks?
All Things Chinese:
Here is the word salad dressing … leaks are the goal thus they are often deliberate acts.
Gill Ray:
Why? What motive for them to leak biomaterials?
All Things Chinese:
Are you also going to ask what was the motive for the Japanese to release the bio virus in China during WWII? What was the motive for the US to spread the toxic chemical agents in Vietnam during the Vietnam War?
It was and is part of the war.
Gill Ray:
Precisely. They were at war. Are you suggesting that US is deliberately releasing viruses to attack China? Wouldn’t that be rather stupid as once released it’s uncontrollable? As Covid has shown. Much more plausible that it was an accidental leak from Wuhan institute.
All Things Chinese:
They thought it would be controllable, as Trump and a few other Western leaders initially commented (rather smugly) that it was mainly an Asian disease.
So bad the US labs have failed to deliver their promise eventually …
Gill Ray:
Viruses are not controllable. They mutate in unpredictable ways. Every high school science student knows that. It makes no sense to suggest that they would use such a random weapon.
All Things Chinese:
Japanese in Unit 731 believed viruses were controllable, and after WWII, they escaped prosecution & went to Fort Detrick to continue their research. Why did Washington bother to make such an immoral deal with the war criminals? Because they also believe it can be turned into a controllable WMD.
Gill Ray:
Instead, there is plenty of evidence that US was carrying out gain-of-function research until Congress banned it. Then paid China to do it at the Wuhan institute. And safety standards in China are notoriously lax. An accidental leak of the modified virus is much more plausible.
All Things Chinese:
2-dimensional thinking (the so-called logical reasoning or imagining) is notoriously inefficient to reflect real events occurring in our 3-dimensional world and has been conveniently used as a tool for lying, cheating & covering up.
Wuhan lab was inspected by WHO twice and found no evidence of leaking, but when it became Fort Detrick’s turn to be investigated, the US withdrew from WHO. What are they afraid of?
Gill Ray:
Very easy for China to get rid of any evidence of a leak. And WHO was complicit in the cover-up. So not surprising US didn’t want them looking round Fort Derrick and making up accusations…
All Things Chinese:
If it’s so easy to get rid of any evidence, why isn’t Fort Detrick confident enough that they can play the same trick with WHO? After all, they are teachers while Chinese are students in this subject, as you stated previously.
And if it’s so easy to get rid of any evidence, what makes Washington panic over their dozens of bio labs in Ukraine now seized by the Russian force?
Gill Ray:
The WHO lied about the early stages of the pandemic in China. Could easily lie about Fort Detrick.
All Things Chinese:
Which part about Wuhan is a lie?
Gill Ray:
Initially said no evidence of human-to-human transmission. Then praised China for openness when all records had been concealed or destroyed. Then their investigation rejected the lab-leak hypothesis (which whilst not proven is a plausible explanation).
All Things Chinese:
It was China to be the first to report the disease while the infection actually occurred in the US months early yet they just kept quiet. Should China’s honesty and openness deserve praise?
“Records had been concealed or destroyed”, if this is the case, from where do you know the existence of the records?
Gill Ray:
Presumably the institute kept records of the experiments carried out and coronaviruses they held. Before 2020 it was standard practice to share such data internationally. But despite repeated requests they’ve not been shown to WHO or any other international organisation.
All Things Chinese:
Is this your presumption or accusation with evidence?
If you indeed know the inside story yet still play innocence on the behalf of Fort Detrick, may I also presume you are part of the US coverup and propaganda?
Gill Ray:
Where is the evidence that it was in US earlier? I’ve seen strong indications it was in Wuhan and Italy as early as October. But evidence it was in US?
All Things Chinese:
COVID19 Pandemic (3) – The World
COVID19 Pandemic (4) – The War
Gill Ray:
I have tried to engage with you in good faith. You have made many accusations without evidence. It is a shame – China is a great country with an evil government. And you are clearly a government troll.
All Things Chinese:
China becomes a great country again precisely because it has a great government now. I fully understand why it is deeply hated by the elites of the Anglosphere & their trolls: it is a hurdle on their way to global hegemony.
Of course, China is not entirely free from blame. A senior female researcher (石) from the Wuhan lab didn’t know how to shut up but kept misleading the world with her statements; a high-rank male doctor from Shanghai (张文宏) didn’t want to shut up but kept acting like Washington’s troll by being one of the first in the world to accuse of Wuhan lab for the leak of the Covid19 virus.
A Mother and Her Daughter
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A Chinese mother & daughter were burned alive by Unit 731 The Japanese killing doctors locked them in a metal box and then heated the box with fire to observe the mother’s reaction. They were just the 1st died in the experiment. A number of mothers & their kids met the same fate.
A Japanese Solider’s Letter to Home
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This is a Japanese official file recording the details of a letter sent home from China by a Japanese soldier during WWII: “From 10th day this month, we started to resume our burning and killing of (Chinese) communist soldiers and tribes, all men were shot dead.
“Dropped tears when confronted with appalling scenes like little children without parents, but when I realised they were the kids of an enemy country, and it would be dreadful if they were allowed to grow up, I know I have to be ruthless so I just threw them into fire …… The total amount of people to be killed in this village is 150.”
This is a Japanese official file recording the details of a letter sent by a Japanese soldier to home from China during WWII: “From 10th day this month, we started to resume our burning and killing of (Chinese) communist soldiers and tribes, all men were shot dead.
“Dropped tears when confronted with appalling scenes like little children without parents, but when I realised they were the kids of an enemy country, and it would be dreadful if they were allowed to grow up, I know I have to be ruthless so I just threw them into fire …… The total amount of people to be killed in this village is 150.”
May 2022
ウサギ (もふもふ) @ymotooka:
Please don’t forget the US bombed 430 cities in Japan, and killed over 1,000,000 civilians. The atomic bombs were the US experiments. So brutal was the US actually.
All Things Chinese:
If you guys refuse to learn from the lessons, you may experience more of them.
Roger Lim:
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ウサギ ( もふもふ ) @ymotooka:
Stop insulting Japan and people!! You have been spreading CCP and the US propaganda. We are really annoyed by foreigners like you!
Nanking Massacre = 300,000 Chinese were killed by Mao Zedong
Nanking Incident = 57 Chinese were killed by the Japanese troops.
All Things Chinese:
I wonder how many idiots or liars like you are in Japan? If there are a lot, Japan’s fate will be irreversible.
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But I might ought to know this earlier. When the Japanese “emperor” announced unconditional surrender to Russia, China, US/UK, a large chunk of the Japanese population refused to admit their war crimes but yelled and cried while some even killed themselves.
ウサギ ( もふもふ ) @ymotooka:
Take down the CCP.
Fr. Markos Malakos (who/whom):
Im gonna take a dump on yasukuni shrine
ウサギ ( もふもふ ) @ymotooka:
Go ahead. Chinese people dead bodies are also there 😂
All Things Chinese:
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I’ve fully realised that today a large portion of the Japanese population, like you, still refuse to recognise their past history. Then tell you what, the forces from the angry planet, and the mountains and the oceans, will teach you guys the final lesson.