The Hongshan Red Hill culture existed during the so-called Neolithic era in the period between 4700 BC to 2900 BC. A large number of jade artifacts, dating back to 5,000 years ago, were unearthed recently.

The scope of the ancient Red Hill Cultural archaeological sites includes north of Hebei province, part of Inner Mongolia province and part of the former Manchuria region, which means a large area beyond the Great Wall was part of early Chinese settlement bases, and invaded and occupied by the Mongol tribes and Manchu tribes in the recent thousands even hundreds of years, as jade, porcelain and dragon are uniquely Han Chinese culture.

A 5,000-Year-Old Jade Statue of An Unknown Creature

A 5,000-Year-Old Jade Statue of An Unknown Creature with Folding Arms

A 5,000-Year-Old Jade Symbol of Royal Authority

This jade object representing royal authority known as 圭 (gui) was unearthed from the Red Hill archaeological site, which dates back to the Neolithic period between 4700 BC and 2900 BC.

Chinese jade culture is unique among all ethnic groups in the world. The discovery of the jade relic-rich cultural site further proves that the Chinese were the earlier settlers in the region in today’s Inner Mongolia before the land was occupied by the nomadic tribes from far northern.

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